
Showing posts from March, 2020


G.R.I.T. I originally had a different message planned to share with you this month, but I have recently been reminded of an experience and feel convicted to share it with you now. Hooray for everyone, as you will receive two messages this month! LOL. Several years ago, while I was a high school principal, I became aware of a researcher named Angela Duckworth. Her work focused on the cadets of West Point Academy in an attempt to determine the best predictor of their future success. Long story short, she developed an instrument called the GRIT scale. Cadets that scored higher on the scale were more apt to go on to accomplish great things at the Academy. She presented this research on a TED Talk and even wrote a book defining GRIT, in part, as the ability to overcome obstacles and delay gratification. As a high school principal, I found this research to be immediately valuable, and I used Duckworth’s model to develop a GRIT program for my high school students. I turned the term ...