
Showing posts from September, 2020


LIfeboat As we return to school, I wanted to re share a thought I had posted a few years ago and thought it had application for today. A couple of summers ago, I had the opportunity to take my family on a cruise! We had a fabulous time together and were able to see some really beautiful sights. We ate way too much and took advantage of the chance to unplug and relax. We were on our way home when our ship came to a stop in the ocean. The captain came on the speaker to say that a member of the crew had spotted what they believed to be a life raft, and that they were going to divert course to investigate the situation. As we approached the object in the ocean, it became very clear that it absolutely was a life raft! It was a man made craft floating in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight! I immediately felt convicted. I was reminded of all the times that I thought that I had it rough. I don't truly know what rough is. I then began to think about the people who con...


  Glasses I didn't start wearing glasses until I was in high school. I had such a phobia about eyes; that I struggled to wear contacts. And when I went to college I didn't like how I looked in them and would not wear them all the time. A funny story - in college, when I would come into the cafeteria after basketball practice, my wife tells me that she thought I was a tough guy because I would come in with a scowl. She learned later that I was just squinting to see! I can imagine her disappointment in thinking she had found this brooding, tough guy, to later discover that I was just too prideful to wear my glasses. However, after 28 years, I guess she was not all disappointed, or maybe just persistent - probably a little of both. Lately, I have been paying a lot more attention to my glasses. My new glasses have been causing me troubles. I spend a large portion of my time meeting with people, which nowadays, requires me to wear my mask most all of the time. Initially, I had to ta...